Learn Languages: Vocabulary Trainer

I was on the internet searching for flash cards and found instead a free vocabulary trainer. It is the same as flashcards. The site is free and it is possible to learn 5000 top words (it is written on their website)

I found a video on YouTube illustrating how the vocabulary trainer works. If you want the video in English go to there website and watch it their.

If you cannot find the free vocabulary trainer the link is: A vocabulary trainer

Some of the languages they offer are Spanish, French and German.

Learn German Fast: How to learn 50 German Words a Week

On YouTube I found this short video on how to learn 50 German words a week. The technique is also useful in learning other languages.

Learn Chinese: “Hello! How Are You?”

I was on YouTube and found this fellow Mike. He has about 100 lessons on his channel. The one I have chosen is lesson 9 “Hello! How Are You?”

The beginning is a bit strange but the lesson is in front of a whiteboard and easy understandable.

Learn Chinese: Breakfast

Zaosháng hao in Chinese or good morning in English. Want to learn how to order breakfast? Yao or Bu yoa in Chinese or in English I want or don not want!

It is a conservation between two people how talk about how to order breakfast.

The GraspChineseOnline channel has 11 lessons in learning Chinese

Learn 2000 Spanish Words In Just Minutes A Day

I found this fellow on YouTube. He talks about how to learn 2000 Spanish words in just minutes a day.

He looks at the ending of the words. An example is the word “different” in English and the word “diferrente
 in Spanish; it illustrates English words ending on “ent” are similar to Spanish words ending on “ente”.

There are 108 words ending “ent” in English. 

Words in English similar to Spanish words just by looking at the ending are categorized in 21 categories as example ible, able etc. Watch the video where this fellow explains the words connections between English and Spanish word endings.

The Best Way To Learn a Language in 3 Months

I found this fellow on YouTube. He talks about how to learn a language in 3 months.